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The Municipality of Bova decided to buy, with the project "Library diffuse in the Borgo of Bova between nature and culture" three literary three stage, the perfect way to perfect culture, art and promotion of reading embellish even more the Borgo and enhance the value of the travel story of Edward Lear , written 31 July when a mule and the faithful servant Proby was walking to reach Bova, and continued the 1 August 1847 day reach Bova, and continued the August 1847 day finally reach the coveted destination.

The idea of benches in the form of books was born in London by the National Literary Trust, a non-profit cultural association founded in 1993 with the aim of improving the cultural level in the most deprived areas of the United Kingdom, which created the "Books About Town" project to enrich the suburbs with these works. In recent years they have also arrived in Italy, where they often become cultural tourist attractions and a perfect place to read.
The three benches placed in Bova are a tribute to Edward Lear, the 19th century traveller on the Grand Tour, who in his travel notebook, later published as "Diary of a Journey on Foot", described the territories, the panoramas, the customs, the food and the hospitality of the Greeks of Calabria, bequeathing to posterity a unique cultural heritage. Sitting on the benches, where a few sentences in Italian and English have been written from his travel diary, you can relax and enjoy the nature that surrounds us. By framing the QR code, you can delve into the cultural contents of the Bova Civic Library, consult the list of books, use itineraries and maps to get to know the village and its surroundings. In short, you can discover a world en plein air and even read the book in English.

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