"The aim is to create a thematic tourist offer, highlighting local features where the environment and culture are of great interest, starting with the historical libraries of the municipalities".
The Municipality of Bova, with the Project "Biblioteca diffusa nel Borgo di Bova tra natura e cultura" ("Library in the village of Bova between nature and culture"), has joined the network "Borghi della Lettura" ("Reading Villages"), a national brand that allows members to highlight places where environment and culture are extremely interesting, starting with the historical libraries of the municipalities, in order to build a thematic tourism offer motivated by the interest in material and immaterial heritage and its enhancement in synergy with the environment.
In complete harmony with the network's aims, the Bova Municipality has equipped itself with literary benches and bookcrossing, but also with bibliobikes (electric e-bikes) that allow users of the civic library and tourists to get to know the village and the cultural and landscape itineraries described by travellers on the 19th century Grand Tour, and appreciated by experiential tourists. Moreover, by adhering to the network, the Municipality of Bova has consolidated and implemented a cultural activity already present and promoted by the Department of Culture: meetings with regional publishers, to make known those writers who have the ability to narrate, through different literary genres, the Grecanic and Calabrian territory, in the past, present and future.
Il Soggetto promotore dei “Borghi della Lettura” è: ODV Centro Studi Storici e Sociali "V. Fusco" (C.F. 92054640708)