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The Municipality of Bova wants its territory to be loved, and in order to love it, it must be unveiled and discovered, not only on foot but also by bicycle. For this reason, the Municipality of Bova has decided to purchase five e-bikes and the corresponding helmets with the project "Bova's diffuse library for nature and culture", in order to discover the territory in a safe and environmentally friendly way, for a pleasant and sustainable experience.

Discovering the territory of Bova by means of pedal-assisted bicycles allows even those who are not great walkers to easily penetrate the outskirts of the Borgo and feel the breeze on their faces. Borgo di Bova, thanks to its position, is ideal not only for a visit to the historical centre, but also for various itineraries of different lengths, which can be found in the itineraries section. Suitable for those who want to travel at a slow pace, in harmony with the environment and nature, cycle tourism is a holiday model that is becoming increasingly popular. According to a recent survey carried out by the Italian Touring Club (of which Bova is an Orange Flag member), 22% of the more than 3,500 people questioned believe that the time has come to organise an itinerary on foot or by bicycle. This trend is confirmed by the 2020 Isnart-Unioncamere and Legambiente report on the trends and economics of cycle tourism in Italy, which predicts an increase in the number of overnight stays by Italian cyclists to 26 million by 2020.

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